so random

i so don't understand my computer. i have this sweet ass computer at home ~ c got it for business school and hasn't used it since he graduated last year so it's mine now ~ and i still can't access any website that i have to log into, save this one. i have no idea what security setting i'm missing. if any of you have any wisdom, please send it my way. the i-t guy at work laughed at me yesterday when i told him i had been going to the public library to get internet access. i do feel silly having to go there when i have access at home, but it's limited, damn it!!! oh well. at least i've checked out a few books and saved some money at the book store. but, the library is so friggen small, they hardly have anything good in stock.

so today is my friday and i'm very happy about that. i got to work late and left early. i have to be there at 6 am, but i do nothing until we open at 7 am, so i have taken it upon myself to show up around 6:45 am instead. well, yesterday and today at least. today i left early because i had nothing left to do and wasn't just going to sit around doing nothing. i could have attended the sales meeting at 4:30 pm, but since i was done with everything on my to-do list by 1:30 pm, there was no way i was just going to hang out until then.

i'm sort of frustrated with my new boss since it appears that he just likes to delagate and not really do anything himself. but, he is really nice and kind, so that helps a lot. he just like to have me and the other supervisor do pretty much all his work. this week the other supervisor is off three days and i had said i would work a double to cover one of ther days, if he needed me. well, today as i was leaving, he asked if i wanted to work the additional day and i asked him if he needed me to. he said he didn't, but if i did want to, then he would be able to sleep in. wtf? i'm not working just so he could sleep in! he tried to make me feel bad since he would have to work two days in a row open to close (the other supervisor and i are both off tomorrow and thursday) but his guilt didn't work on me. i grew up catholic, for god's sake. i can take the guilt! it just totally bothered me that he would have me work just so his lazy ass could sleep in, so i said no. and then made fun of him for even asking me to come in so he could sleep in. he just had the last two days off. i have no sympathy for him working 2 days in a row open to close.

c is in the city tonight at an mba forum for his grad school, so i have the house to myself tonight. it's really nice. i took a great nap when i got home from work and made a nice pot of coffee around 5 this evening. i worked on some greeting cards and chatted with one of my girlfriends and with my parents. atticus has been snuggling with me and has been keeping me warm.

flowergirl brought me really pretty flowers today and since the ones from last week are still lasting, i have an abundance of flowers in my house and i LOVE it! she is so great...and right now she's so understanding with my finances that she's giving me a great deal until i get more on my feet. she is the sweetest thing ever!

tomorrow i'm going to get my hair done and i'm looking pretty forward to that. i haven't gotten my color touched up in a few months and the highlights have grown out quite a bit. i've also rescheduled a few times due to my finances, so i'm really in the need for some fixing up. luckily, the gal that does my hair is also my friend and she only charges me for the cost of her product, so i get a great deal there as well. and since my appointment isn't until 1 pm tomorrow, i get to sleep in nice and long. well, hopefully i will. if c doesn't wake me up early!

thursday i'm going with c to the university he teaches at. this is his second term teaching and he started up again last week. the class he teaches is on tuesday and thursday and he really enjoys it. it's a great break for him from his other job. i just called a girlfriend who lives in the town to see if she's free to meet me for coffee or lunch while he's teaching since i won't be going to class with him. if she can't, i will wander around the darling town and try not to spend any money at the little shops.

after his class and office hours are over, we're heading to the east bay to check out a car that he wants to buy. he wants to buy a 1986 toyota land cruiser. since he will only be at his current job until the end of the year, the company car he has will only be ours until the end of the year as well, so we need a new car pronto. i guess he has always wanted an old land cruiser and has his heart set on this one. so, we're going to check it out, take it to a certified aaa mechanic and see what we will do from there. the car is going for around $4k, so it's a pretty good deal. we'll see what happens.


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