it is such a pretty day outside. i don't wanna be at work anymore today. i just wanna go outside. at least i get off in a little over an hour and i've done most of my tasks for today. fng is still being a pain in the ass. she's awfully grumpy again. maybe she's out of cigarettes.

mr. fussypants has wound himself up into a tissy again and came by my desk to spray himself with some of my lavendar spray. at least he's being nice to me.

i also want to know, why in the hell people feel the need to share with me that they have to go to the bathroom when they walk by me.

i'm not near the bathroom.

people walk by me who don't go to the bathroom, yet certain people feel like their day is somehow not complete until they share with me their bodily functions.

tweedledum always says "i've gotta go potty" when she walks by. is this normal for a 34 year old?

monkey boy just walked by and said "man, I've had to pee, like 12 times today"

what the hell do they expect my response to be? i just sort of look at them and give them an odd smile, like i'm in on their big bathroom secret, or something.

i guess it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen all the time with certain people. it's just so odd. i just want to be off work so i can go swimming. and then play with atticus. that's all. is that so much to ask? oh, and maybe take a nap, too.


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