i am beat! i just worked out at the gym really hard and my calfs and abs are wondering what the hell is going on since i never work out like that. i just figure it's about time i get in shape again.

one of my girlfriends sent me a christmas card with a few photos from her wedding this spring. holy cow, i had a pudgy face then! i really didn't realize how much weight i actually had gained until i saw myself in photographs. i remember looking at a photograph from last summer when i was at a different girlfriend's bachelorette party in vegas....holy crap did i look awful in a bathing suit!!

in the last year of drinking, i went from 96 lbs to 125 lbs. that's a 30lb weight gain. being 5 feet tall, that was a huge difference. i went from a size 0 to a size 4. i even went to a size 6 bathing suit. i had a bunch of great designer jeans that i could no longer fit in and a whole bunch of other clothes that didn't fit right anymore either. i now weigh 110 and feel great. i want to stay at that weight. i think it looks good on me. i have a great figure now. the only part that i enjoyed gaining weight was in my boobs. ;)

and now i fit into those jeans again! i tried them all on yesterday and was so excited. only one pair doesn't fit at all and another pair is pretty tight, but i do have 5 pairs i can wear again. feels like i went shopping all over again ~ except this time i didn't spend any money.

and today when i was at the gym, i fit into my size 4 bathing suit without any problems at all. yipee!

the electric company (hey you guys!!!) was working on my street all day so i didn't have electricity until about 10 minutes ago. that sucked big time. the same thing will happen tomorrow. i totally take electricity for granted. i couldn't do anything at home today. the only thing i could do was turn on the heater since it's propane. so, i met a girlfriend for coffee, then we went to lunch. later i had a phone interview ~ which i think went pretty well ~ and went to the gym. now i'm home. i had to sit in the dark for about 10 minutes when the power finally came back on. now i can take care of the rest of the laundry. hopefully everything in the fridge and freeze made it. it's been chilly out so hopefully everything will be just fine.

the worst part of being without electricity was that i wasn't able to make coffee at home. that was hands down the worst part!!

1 Comment:

  1. Helene said...
    lol... I do love when you fit into things again! Unfortunately THAT is not the direction i am going at the moment!! I was doing great but parties KILL me! I just cant seem to stop eating and drinking! YIKES!!

    oh and yea yea I feel REAL sorry for you about the coffee! NOT!!! hehehe

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