thursday thirteen # 8

thirteen reasons I really really really like my job

1. i am currently sitting in my bosses backyard, in the sunshine, at a pretty table, listening to itunes, while waiting for the comcast guy to show up. did i mention it's about 72 and sunny?

2. i show up for work around 8:30 am and leave around 5:30 pm

3. there are no timeclocks in sight, or anyone who micromanages for that matter

4. i am a salaried employee with fantastic benefits

5. one of which is awesome health insurance that covers both me and hubby 100%

6. we promote kick ass products and events

7. i'm taking off for the weekend and they don't care what time i leave work on friday. in fact, i didn't even have to ask about leaving early, i simply told them i was

8. both my bosses are funny, witty and really smart

9. there is no such thing as a 'budget' with them, either

10. if apple makes it, we own it

11. same goes for ikea

12. we take turns being dj in the office. there is always music playing, and it's usually loud

13. no one takes themselves very seriously, unless absolutely necessary


  1. Terry said...
    Sounds Awesome.. Glad it is working out so well for you!! I could not come up with 13 reasons for my own job without a lot of sarcasm!!
    Gypsy said...
    That sounds heavenly!
    Anonymous said...
    very kewl. very happy for you.

    keep it up and stay happy...or else i will give you the frozen mackeral upside the head treatment.


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