grumble grumble

heh. i was right. the supervisor is back and the drama is up again. he's fussy and irritated. great. he was just gone on a week holiday so he should be in a good mood. guess he didn't get laid. he totally got fussy when we talked about me taking on additonal roles that i had talked to the other supervior about because it wasn't the same as 'his vision' was. whatever. anything that isn't 'his vision' is wrong to him. 'his vision' wasn't working and it needed to be changed. the others agreed, we changed it, and now he's fussy. whatever. i'm over it.

i got a great surprise treat this morning. one of my coworkers brought me an egg mcmuffin and hasbrowns. yummie. i gobbled that up in about 2.5 seconds. it tastes so good when it hits the lips.

one of the daily fashion offenders is out sick today and the other one is dressed normal for a change.

ho hum...


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