spring fever

corned beef and cabbage for lunch. yeach. i guess it's better than mystery meat, which they serve all the time. i guess i should be glad they actually provide lunch for us, but hell, they could provide a better selection. plus, they leave everything sitting out all day long so it's pretty gross if you don't get there right away when they first serve it up.

at least friday is payday. i need to put money in savings. even if i spend a little, i feel like i'm spending a lot and we're never going to build up or savings that way. c is really good at saving, me, not so much.

hanging out with my girlfriend yesterday was great. had eggs benedict for breakfast which was soo yummie. afterwards we went and got mani/pedi's and walked around in our paper shoes. the weather was awesome. total spring fever, yet again. got a jacket to match a pair of pants i bought last week and some great body scrub that i used this morning in the shower. it's delish.

c is doing much better. he was really needy yesterday, so i told him he has to do something extra nice for me on v' day. heh heh. he hates v day and we rarely celebrate it, so we'll see if he actually does something for me.

don't really want to be at work today, but that's nothing new. at least it's quiet and slow today. maybe i'll go to the diner for lunch...don't really feel like cabbage today.


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