yay! i got to sleep in this morning. it was so glorious. c got up at the ass crack of dawn to scout for deer since the season is starting soon. way too early, but, that meant that i could sleep without him being noisy upon waking. i slept until a little after 9 am, when he came home to get his guns so he could head out to the shooting range. i got up and made coffee and played with the cat. i have absolutely nothing planned this weekend and it feels GREAT.
i got a few treats in the mail yesterday; new moisturizer and a top i had ordered, some magazines and a card from a girlfriend. i love getting stuff in the mail. well, stuff besides bills, that is. which i need to pay today, but that's a different story.
the weather has cooled down and i am loving every moment of the coolness. right now it's still foggy out. i'm going to work out in the garden in a bit. the heat wave took a tool on mostly everything so i need to give things a little tlc.
that's all i've got for now, but i'm sure i'll write more later...