a whole new world

whew! what a day. it started out great and ended in a bit of a tale spin. waking up early wasn't bad this morning, probably because i was excited to start a new job, and i got to work right on time. coffee was a flowin' so that helped as well. 3 of my friends came to visit me in the morning, so that definitly made my dad.

one of my colleagues from the other department called around 8 am looking for one of my friends, also a fellow colleague, and did i know where he was, and could i find him. um...i'm not working for her anymore, nor do i care about her event that she needs my friend for. but, i told her i would call him. she said 'fine' and hung up on me. i only called because i'm nice like that. i didn't end up getting a hold of my friend, as he wasn't even due to be in yet, but i left him a message letting him know she was looking for him. (why she couldn't do that for herself, i have no idea).

but the coup de grace of the day was when my new boss was in a meeting with mr. fp, an executive meeting no less, and totally put him in his place and it was involving me. i so wish i was there, but i heard about it several times throughout the day from various people. plus, evidently my new boss got under mr. fp's skin so much, mr. fp had to go back and complain about things (as overheard by another friend of mine). nice. if i haven't expressed it enough...i am SO GLAD to be out of that other department!!!

my day went by super fast and i love what i'm doing. the people that i am working with are great, which makes all the difference in the world.

the tale spin part i got myself into entirely on my own. i let my mind wander to places and posibilites that it shouldn't and now my heart is involved. i don't know how i let that happen, but it has. at any rate, i think i made a bit of a fool of myself this afternoon and have let my heart get the better of me. that hasn't happened to me in a really long time and i'm not really sure how to react to it all.

1 Comment:

  1. sco said...
    Hi friend,

    Super SONIC happy to know that you are enjoying your new job. ;-) It's nice to know that good things happen to good people!

    My philosophy.... things ALWAYS happen for a reason. A friend of mind calls it TAHFFR - pronounced "Taffer")"Things always happen for a freaking reason". Feel free to substitute the "F" Part. :)

    I like your new slogan.

    Peace, smiles, and happiness

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