day 5

so here i am on day 5 of my spiffy new job. i really heart this place so far. i do have to say though, that the part i really don't like is that i am working on a super old pc. i mean, this computer is ancient. and sooo slow. i type so much faster than the keyboard can keep up with. i am always 2 sentences ahead of what appeasrs on the screen, so i always have to stop and wait for it to catch up with me to see if i have made any mistakes. tres annoying.

but other than that, i love it here. it's so beautiful and serene. and everyone is so nice. and the commute? not bad at all. i'll have to post some photos i took on my way to work on monday. over the valley, when the weather is nice, the sky is filled with hot air balloons. it's so cool. i usually count at least 10 every morning.

i'm finally getting used to having a regular schedule again and let me tell you ~ it is so friggen nice. i feel like i have purpose again. really, i do. i did have a tough time this week with the whole not being able to sleep in anymore, though. heh heh. i now get up at 6 am, so that has been a bit challenging as i can't stay up as late anymore. plus, trying to learn everything here and walk around so much (this property is 225 acres) has really made me tired at nite. hell, in the middle of the day! thank god there is always coffee around for me!

earlier this week i was certified to drive a golf cart. that made me laugh as at my last job i got to drove formula 1 race cars. i guess that's how it goes, though. :-)

well, i'm off to my first meeting of the morning but i'll post more later.

oh, how i miss my mac!!


  1. Terry said...
    YAY... I am so happy this is working out so well for you. and I can't wait to see the pictures..
    Gina said...
    Old computers suck for sure.
    Gypsy said...
    I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! Maybe you'll get a new computer soon. :)

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