job stuff.

so yesterday i found out i didn't get the other job i interviewed for. i was sad for a bit, but then dusted myself off and continued on my way. it just wasn't meant to be. i applied for another job, so we'll see how that goes. i also got a call back from the job i turned down ~ the one that couldn't pay me enough ~ and they offered me a little more money. unfortunately, not enough to take the job, though. i just can't go down that much. i mean, i've worked too hard to get to the point i am at that i don't want to go back down the scale. especially since that job would require a hefty commute which would cost a lot for gas. *sigh*


  1. Gina said...
    I'm sorry it didn't work out.

    And BTW, my blog is named for exactly that Oingo Boingo song. They are my favorite group, and when I started the blog, the lyrics fit very well.
    Gypsy said...
    I took a large pay cut when I moved back home because I couldn't find anything else. It sucked. A lot. I'm back up to an appropriate pay now, thank goodness, but it felt really bad to accept less.

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