happy birthday to me...
today i slept in, met a friend for lunch, got a mani/pedi and accepted a job. and the day isn't even over yet!
after i got up, i turned on my computer and chatted online for a bit when one of my friends asked me to lunch. before i left, i checked the mail where my girlfriend, sally, had sent me a darling homemade card and money for a mani/pedi. lunch was at a little outdoor cafe where i had a yummy chicken salad sandwich and iced tea. i then wandered around some of the nearby shops then decided to go get my mani/pedi. i went to a new (to me) shop in town and it was a bit creepy. but, whatever. i left there, and hit the starbucks next door.
by the time i got home, i had talked to the hr gal of the place who has been after me and accepted the offer. a little bit ago i chatted with my new boss to firm up some details. he asked me when i would like to start, so i suggested monday. that way i'll have the rest of the week to wrap my head around being a productive member of society again.
tonight i'll go to dinner with hubby. he made reservations at a fun place in town so i'm looking forward to that. he got into my card making supplies yesterday, so i can't wait to see what he has created for me. ha.
we had dinner last night with hubby's family. it was strained, as it usually is. but, they were nice and i could tell they were at least trying. granny gave me a gift card to banana so now i can really put it to good use!
glad you had a happy one.
You haven't seen strained in law relations until you've seen me and mine.