okay, i need your help. see, i would really like to not have to come back to my dreaded job after i have the baby. i don't mind going back to work part time somewhere in the town where i live, but driving 45 minutes each way will not work for me. plus, i'm not that thrilled to be working here. anyhow, i digress.
i have not told anyone at work my intentions, but i need to find out what i have to do legally and insurance wise since my insurance is through my work. both hubby and his mother said i have to come back to work for a period of time so that i do not have to pay the insurance company back for all they will have paid while i was on leave. that sounds really odd to me as i pay the insurance by payroll deductions and will continue doing so when i am on leave. i looked through my employee handbook and there was nothing that stated that i had to come back after my leave in order not to be penalized.
does anyone know the answer? one of my girlfriends said all i would have to do is call or email saying i wasn't coming back and that i would be cleared of any responsibility.
the odd part to me is that both my mother-in-law and hubby are the hr people at their respective jobs! for hubby, he has been asked to take on that roll along side his normal roll as his firm is small, so i cut him some slack for not knowing as he has never been faced with that issue. my mil on the other hand, seems to be pretty clueless when it comes to hr stuff, which is frightening considering that's all she does.
anyhow, your comments would be MUCH appreciated...thanks!
After I had Mr. P, I went back part time for three months and then quit. No problems.
Probably every company is different, but you could check on state laws to see if there's anything that protects you. I have a friend who's in HR in Ohio, and she's pregnant right now, so I'll see what she thinks.
I wouldn't say anything before you go out. You could always go back for just one day and then quit...but I'd keep it quiet for now.
Management had to come back for 3 months with Hyatt. I wasn't in mgmt so aside from my vacation and sick leave, I had no paid maternity leave to pay back.
Ask for a copy of their maternity leave policy (or check your handbook).