i swear i have a heart.

i have never been a fan of valentine's day. it always seemed strange to me that we need hallmark to tell us to love our loved one on a certain day. shouldn't we love them the same, regardless of what day it is? i guess for me, i would much rather have my loved one do something nice for me totally at random, totally because he wanted to, and not because it was 'the thing to do'.

not only that, but you totally get taken to the cleaners if you want to do anything today. florists raise their prices, as do restaurants, especially high end restaurants who typically have a prix fixe menu. i swear i'm not a heartless person, but i just don't see the point. i guess i have always seen the anniversary as the time to do something extra special and nice.

when hubby and i were dating, he would bring me flowers every week and always had something fun planned for the weekend. i LOVED that. i did nice things for him, too, and since they were unexpected, it meant so much more to us. now things are different because we're married, but he still will do nice things for me. a random dinner out in the middle of the week, picking wildflowers for me from a run he goes on, buying me a treat when he goes to the grocery store. those are the things i really like. heck, right now, i LOVE it when he does the laundry and the dishes without complaining!!
i think the only time i have ever celebrated Valentine's day is when i was in elementary school.


  1. Sally said...
    You are so right, Shell. I'm so glad that C does those nice things for you. For one of The Colonel's cards this year (I got him 2 and made one - I couldn't decide!), I wrote out all the things I love about him (well, not all, but a lot), and then I took a cue from my super crafty friend Shell, and made it into a card. I don't know what reaction I'll get to it, but with all the arguing we've done lately (think, hormones), I figured I needed to tell him all the reasons I love him with all my heart. I know he thinks I don't appreciate him as much as I really do, so it's time to make it clear.

    And we NEVER go out to eat on V Day...way too many people. It's my best motivator to actually cook on V Day...but this year, it will be pizza, I don't feel like cooking. =)
    Gypsy said...
    I like Valentine's Day, but we never do anything elaborate for it. Just a nice meal and time together and a card. I basically just like an excuse for a festive feeling. :)
    Terry said...
    Ooooh, I love Valentine's Day, but unfortunately almost never have anyone to share it with. I do try to make it more special for any children in my life, but I would love just once to have a nice date on Feb 14th :)

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