i'm sorry, white bear...

i have to apologize to my dear friend, the white bear. you see, i deleted his comment this morning totally unknowingly. well, no, i knowingly deleted it, i just didn't know it was my darling friend who wrote the comment. you see, he wrote about all the great people who have birthdays on august 18. not knowing why that had appeared on my blog, i thought it was spam. i'm a total tweeker because i couldn't figure out why someone was commenting about that date. um, hello. because i said it was my due date. he was being sweet and telling me what great people were also born on that day. sigh. i'm such a tweeker and so hearfully sorry i offened him by deleting the post.


  1. Anonymous said...
    totally not a problemo. honest error made in good faith. we'll chalk it up to dumb pregnant chick syndrome. heh. wot?


    the WB
    Love Bears All Things said...
    Thanks for visiting me.
    Mama Bear

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