it's amazing what people coming over will do to getting your house cleaned. i'm having a few girlfriends over this evening for a candle party, or as hubby calls it ' a black panther party'. heh.

anywho, i decided to tidy up a bit for my guests. the kitchen and bathroom are simply sparkling right now. i decided really to attack things, which is a good things, as i had some fruit flies festering on the clementines. ewww!

in the midst of my cleaning, i got quite a nosefull of cat poo and went to investigate. as i went into the office, where the litter box is, i didn't see anything odd except for a few of my cd's on the floor. as i went to pick them up, my hand went into something warm and mushy. yep. one of the kitties had pooed on the floor and covered his poo with my cd's. soooo gross. even after washing my hands several times, they still smell faintly of poo. well, not both of them, but the right one does since that's the hand that got into the poo.

okay, enough of that!

i have to do some more laundry and wash the floors then i'll be done. well, and i have to go to the store to get some treats to eat for tonight as well.

it's so nice out that i have a bunch of windows open. i wish it was spring already!


  1. Helene said...
    ok WAY TMI! lmao!!! Hope the party was fun! Why a black panther party? Maybe I am having a blond moment!?!?!?!? lol
    maddie said...
    naw, hubby just likes to be funny. he doesn't know what else to call a group of gals, so he always defaults to the black panthers. heh heh.
    Anonymous said...
    huh huh said "poo"

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