deep thots.

thank you for your sweet thoughts. we heard back today from our friends and things are still the same with their little one. i am glad we sent flowers, though, so they'll have something cheerful when they get home today. they declined our offer to stop by and bring dinner, but i totally understand that. they do appreciate that we have offered our total support with whatever they need. it's extra rough because she was going to work the last two months of her pregnancy, so now they are concerned about their finances as well. hubby offered to help them out if they need it with a loan (since we've been saving for a house, we have a bit saved and since they are such dear friends, we would rather loan them some if they need some then let something bad happen) but they have declined so far. not that we have a lot to give, but i know that every little bit helps.

hubby and i had a long talk about children last night. he is so afraid of having children of his own. i should rephrase that. he would love to have a little girl, but the thought of having a biological child, scares the living daylights out of him because of the genetic make up of his family. you see, there is so much alcoholism in his family, he is deathly afraid of passing that on to a child! every single person in his family, save his brother, fraternal grandmother and fraternal grandfather are alcoholics. i'm not kidding, either. it's so hard, too. i know the changes are great that we would have a child who becomes an alcoholic, but really? why worry about something that is a big maybe? i mean, i have no idea what my biological make up is because i am adopted, yet i turned out to be an alocoholic just the same. you never really know how someone is going to turn out. things just happen. sure, some people are more at risk than others are, but you really can't forsee the future on things like that. he also said he's really worried about me because i am so little. but women have been having children forever and you never really know who is going to have problems and who is not.

so, ugh.

omg. i just told one of my engineers that one of the nuts needed a cap put on it. (i was trying to explain that one of the toilets needed a small cap replaced on one of the bolts on the bottom of the tank). as soon as i stopped, i realized what i had just said and how bad it sounded. but if that wasn't bad enough, i said that over the radio so a bunch of people heard me and totally laughed.


  1. Valley Girl said...
    I kinda know how your hubby feels. Depression runs in my family and I would die before I would pass that along to my child. But I long to have a little girl.
    Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen said...
    I too know - cancer is major on his side of the family (my hubby had it, his mom, his aunt, his grandmother, his grandfather...) and almost everyone in my family (all but my mom - seriously dad, g-parents, all my aunts and uncles on both sides) have either died of heart disease or had strokes and attacks from it. And then there is a bit of alcoholism on both our sides... but just as he and I are still kicking, we feel our kids will get our toughness genes and hopefully they cancel out the bad. :-)
    Gina said...
    My husband comes from a long line of alcoholics/addicts and he managed to not become one. It can be done. I don't feel as if my son is at risk, because I feel we are providing a firm, loving foundation.
    Maybelline Jones said...
    I'm with your husband on this one, even though it hurts my hurt to do so. My family has mental illness all through it and I would be damned to bring a child into this world with the possibility of him/her being as fucked up or even more fucked up than me. But I want to have a baby so badly! I tell myself that it's better this way and that I can't be pregnant and take my meds anyway, but it saddens me. We have talked about adoption, and I really believe it's a great option. It's the route we're going to go when we're ready.

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