tuesday thirteen.

in honor of one of my girlfriends who i don't get to see very often, i give you tuesday thirteen.

she pointed out today that i have been remiss on my weekly thursday thirteen, and since i will be out of town on thursday, thus not being able to post, i will give you my list a few days early.

Since this is a week to be thankful, my tuesday thirteen will be about things i am grateful for.

i am grateful for:

1. having good friends that keep me on track and keep me honest. thanks, lisa!

2. being able to go to my college town with hubby for a mini vacation and not worry about having to deal with family.

3. growing up and becoming a better friend, wife and colleague.

4. knowing that it's okay to cry when i'm sad.

5. learning german as a child. while it's not that common of a language, it's still cool to know. and i speak it with a native tounge rather than with an american speaking german.

6. sticking with it and finishing college. though it took me a long time to get my undergrad degree, i did achieve it. the diploma is proudly displayed on my wall.

7. for not having regrets. everything i have done has made me who i am today and i wouldn't change a thing.

8. for learning that it's never too late to say i'm sorry.

9. that small things in life, like a a smile or a wave, does wonders to my soul and can totally change my mood.

10. that i sent my mom that letter a few months ago. somehow, that has made a lot of difference in our relationship. who knew.

11. for having a warm, tender soul. it's so much better than being bitter and angry.

12. for being musically inclined. music is my world. i cannot imagine a day without it.

13. for believing in myself, even when the committee in my head is telling me otherwise.


  1. Gina said...
    Great list, shell.
    Sally said...
    Hey, I tagged you...see my blog. I'll be posting my answer to YOUR tag soon!
    Anonymous said...
    Yay! Thursday (Tuesday) Thirteen is back!
    Terry said...
    Um, okay.. I get that we should always try to improve ourselves, but seriously.... we never have to grow up, DO WE??
    Amelia said...
    i like your personality.really sweet! always wanted to be like that

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