
i'm so stoked! i just hooked up my ipod to my stero. now i have awesome sound and i saved a TON of money. see, i'm sort of addicted to bose systems. i have two of them and they rock. i got an ipod about 2 years ago and i love it. but, the only way i can listen to it is with ear phones or off my computer, and the sound quality just isn't so great. i also have some great dealio that plugs into my cigarette lighter in the car. but what i really want is something that will play my ipod in the house, our outside. anyhow, i really want one of those nifty bose
ipod docking systems, but they cost $300 and i don't have that kind of extra cash. so i did the next best thing. i bought a universal dock from apple for only $39. and it plugs right into my very own bose, so, now i have the bose docking system for only pennies. okay, well a few dollars, but still. i'm SO excited! oot oot!

c and his dad went to their family cabin to open it for the summer ~it's closed in the winter due to the mass amounts of snow~ so atticus and i have the house to ourselves until saturday afternoon. we're so excited. c and his dad were going to stay until sunday, but then his dad realized it's his his anniversary that day...

so needless to say, the house has been nice and quiet. i was so tired today at work that all i could think of was taking a nap. i let atticus in when i got home and we napped together for 2 hours. it was freaking fantastic. he cuddled right up to me on the bed~something c doesn't allow.

i had to set my alarm so i wouldn't miss my aa meeting, and good think too~! i woke up, oh, about 10 minutes before the alarm. i was beat.

i let atticus have free reign of the house. c would kill me if he knew. but i know the kitty doesn't mean to be destructive. he just wants to play in the middle of the night and doesn't want to be locked up. anyhow, when i came home from the meeting ~ i was gone about 1 1/2 hours ~ the house and the cat were just fine. there was a warm spot on my pillow where he had laid and that was it. now he's curled up between me and the keyboard with his head on my arm. it's so sweet. i LOVE when he does that.

tomorrow i'm going over to a friend's house after work. she's an aa friend and pretty cool. i haven't talked to my sponsor since last wednesday and know i need to call her. i need to tell her that i can't deal with how we have been going about things. i know that she means very well and that she is doing her best with me. i'm just a difficult person. i can't be pushed and proded. i still have reservations about these 12 steps. i'm not really into them. i don't like having all these people think they can solve my problems. i swear i know they mean well and that everyone goes through these things, but i just don't know. maybe i just don't get it all. at least i'm not drinking, right? that has to account for something!!

so mr. fp told me the other day that he's on myspace. i had to check it out. it's SO LAME. myspace is LAME. if you are 19, it's cool. if you're over 25, get a life. really. i don't know. maybe i'm missing something. his is lame, too. and he has 'friends' linked from work that are so not his friends. i mean, are you kidding me? just because you know someone doesn't mean they are your friend. it's so odd to me. i'm all for making friends, and online friends at that, but it's just kind of odd to me, this whole myspace thing. i thought by looking at his site i would get a glimpse into what makes him tick, but nope. nothing thought provoking at all. weird for someone who is 38. whatever.

and speaking of him, he has been out of control again these past two weeks. i guess one of his friends overdosed on e on monday. um...you're 38. why are your friends overdosing on e? are you going to raves? aren't you a little old for that? i guess whatever floats your boat....but e? at 38?

judge people much??? oh, no, not me! heh.


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